I just have to ask the question... Is anyone else who spends a LOT of time on Sun's web sites getting ready to rip out their fingernails when the site pops up the "Recommendations for you" box and forces you to close it? I'm a paying customer with a valid contract. I don't need to be treated like a mass marketing target.
The Internet provides great new business opportunity, and wild possibilities for creative marketing. But let's hope personal customer relationships which were once important haven't been replaced by marketing shotguns designed to bug 1,000 customers as long as one or two click on the shiny links.
It is completely maddening.
Yes - hate it and wish there was a way to turn it off.
Yes! It's driving me bananas. Every single time I bring up the front page I have to close the stupid thing. And there's no opt-out.
Yes! In fact I just posted some instructions on how to adblock it:
I have to agree with you, every visit to the Sun site (including documentation for their products) is fraught with stupid interruptions on clicking away the recommendations
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