Friday, February 01, 2008

Basename saves the day...

One of the things I like to do when setting up a Perl script is to set a variable called "thisscript". It's essentially the $0 special variable, but with a subtle twist. The inspiration for this article comes from forgetting the twist, and true to my mission, I am documenting my detours from the Jedi path.

I'm working on a fun script at the moment which simplifies and automates the process of deploying and configuring a zone. Sort of a JET-lite if you will. The script creates numerous temp files, and I prefer the following naming convention: "tmpdir"/"name of parent script"."functional identifier"."process pid". So, a file name may look like this: /tmp/mysite-mkzone.sysidcfg.343224. And here begins the oddity I ignored, and eventually fixed.

Although the script worked well, I noted the following output:

Cleaning up temp files...

Fortunately, the way UNIX inteprets a pathname, this is a perfectly legitimate albeit circuitous path value. The "./" evaluates to the current directory and continues on its merry way. To be more explicit, the following examples all evaluate to the same value:

  • /tmp/mysite-mkzone.zonecfg.2012

  • /tmp/./mysite-mkzone.zonecfg.2012

  • /tmp/././mysite-mkzone.zonecfg.2012

  • /tmp/./././mysite-mkzone.zonecfg.2012

But, my heightened Jedi awareness felt this extraneous path element to be disturbing the balance of the force. Once you journey down the path of the dark side, it is difficult to return to the light. But where was this coming from? My first suspicion was a syntax error somewhere in a Perl string catenation.

In perl, strings are catenated with a dot operator ("."). For example, we could set up a string using catenation as follows:

$ vi
my $a="The quick brown fox";
my $b="jumped over the lazy dog";
my $sentence="$a" . " $b." . "\n";
print $sentence;
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

So, if I were to misplace a quote, it's possible that I might have included an errant period somewhere in the code. After a scan of each use of the variable I quickly determined that my hypothesis was unlikely to have manifested itself. I then returned to the code which set the initial variable:

my $thisscript=$0;

It was then that I remembered what I had omitted. I don't typically have "." in my current path. Just a habit, the result of which is another habit. I always qualify the path to whatever I'm running. So, if I'm executing a script called mysite-mkzone in the current directory, I execute the following on the command line:

$ ./mysite-mkzone

Now, consider the preceeding wetware behavior in concert with the following software behavior:


Herein lies the problem. Evaluating $sysidcfg we get the following: "/tmp + ./mysite-mkzone + sysidcfg + 12345" which explains where the extraneous "./" is coming from. So how did I fix it? I used File::basename. Which is a Perl equivalent of the shell basename(1) command. It deletes any path prefix ending in "/" from a string. In other words, it yanks the directory part of a command, leaving just the command. To use this, I made the following trivial modification to my code:

use File::Basename;
my $thisscript=basename($0);

And the output dutifully responded as follows:

Cleaning up temp files...

This wouldn't have happened if I'd used my normal starter tempalte, which has this variable pre-configured, but I'd made a careless decision to just go from scratch on this one. Yet another misstep on the path, but a good lesson.

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