I'm going to leave my breadcrumbs in Perl, and focus on the workflow more than the syntax, so you won't be able to copy and paste code. If you know some Perl you chouls be able to fill in the blanks pretty easily.
The first thing we need to do is create the input stream for zonecfg. This is essentially the same things you would type if you doing it interactively, which is exactly how I derived the text I'm using.
# Open the file for writing
open(ZONECFGTMP, ">$zonecfgfile") or die "ERROR: Could not open $zonecfgfile for writing";
# Write the contents
print ZONECFGTMP "create\n";
print ZONECFGTMP "set zonepath=$zonepath/$zonename\n";
print ZONECFGTMP "add net\n";
print ZONECFGTMP "set physical=$zoneif\n";
print ZONECFGTMP "set address=$zoneip\n";
print ZONECFGTMP "end\n";
print ZONECFGTMP "exit\n";
Next we need to create a sysidcfg file using a similar strategy... It gets a bit funky in the middle when I base some logic on whether or not the zone is entered into DNS. Solaris has what I consider a nuisance behavior during installation. If you want to configure DNS at install-time, the hostname must already be in DNS. If not, the install will revert to an interactive prompt asking if you really want to do this. To get around this, we need to FIRST determine if the zone name is in DNS. If it is, then install a sysyidcfg that reflects DNS. If not, then we need to use "none" for the sysidcfg naming service, and then install a resolv.conf file. It's kludgy, but it works.
# Make sysidcfg file (either NONE or DNS dep. on earlier check)
# File name should be mkzone.sysidcfg.ppid
open(SYSIDCFGTMP, ">$sysidcfg") or die "ERROR: Could not open $sysidcfg for writing";
print SYSIDCFGTMP "root_password=\n";
print SYSIDCFGTMP "system_locale=en_US\n";
print SYSIDCFGTMP "timeserver=localhost\n";
print SYSIDCFGTMP "timezone=US/Eastern\n";
print SYSIDCFGTMP "terminal=vt100\n";
print SYSIDCFGTMP "security_policy=NONE\n";
print SYSIDCFGTMP "nfs4_domain=$mydomain\n";
# if host not in DNS, use NONE, else use DNS.
if ( $zonenotindns ) {
print SYSIDCFGTMP "name_service=NONE\n";
} else {
print SYSIDCFGTMP "name_service=DNS {\n";
print SYSIDCFGTMP " domain_name=$mydomain\n";
print SYSIDCFGTMP " name_server=,,\n";
print SYSIDCFGTMP " search=search.domain1, search.domain2\n";
print SYSIDCFGTMP "}\n";
} #end if
print SYSIDCFGTMP "network_interface=PRIMARY {\n";
print SYSIDCFGTMP " hostname=$zonename\n";
print SYSIDCFGTMP " ip_address=$zoneip\n";
print SYSIDCFGTMP " netmask=\n";
print SYSIDCFGTMP " protocol_ipv6=no\n";
print SYSIDCFGTMP " default_route=$zonedefroute\n";
print SYSIDCFGTMP "}\n";
If we needed to create a resolv.conf, it would look something like the example below. Note that I entered the DNS server list into an arry called @dnsserverlist. The $zonenotindns variable is set earlier in the execution when we perform an nslookup. I do this with a call to system() rather than using a separate module because it makes the code easier to distribute.
if ( $zonenotindns ) {
print RESOLVDOTCONF "domain $domain\n";
foreach ( @dnsserverlist ) {
print RESOLVDOTCONF "nameserver $_\n";
} #end foreach
print RESOLVDOTCONF "search $mydomain\n";
The piece that threw me for a loop was getting rid of the NFSv4 prompt. It turns out to be as simple as putting this command into the code right before the zone is booted, but after the zone is installed. Kudos to the OpenSolaris Zones and Containers FAQ for documenting it!
system("/usr/bin/touch $zonepath/$zonename/root/etc/.NFS4inst_state.domain");
Using the above files is covered well in other posts, so I won't duplicate content. Using these details, you should be able to get your site's zone installation automated without too much trouble.