Friday, July 21, 2006

Did you hear what I sed?

When battling the dark side of UNIX, it is critical that you not let your eyes betray your instincts. Windows teaches you to trust what you see, which is in itself a good reason to be wary. Today's lesson will involve our old friend awk, and a not so well known friend, od (octal dump).

I was working on a section of code, which decided whether or not arguments were passed by checking in a case statement for an empty string, or anything other than an empty string. It looks like this:

case "$SID_LIST" in
"" ) # No arguments passed, go with default.
echo "Stopping all configured Oracle databases."
su oracle -c "$ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbshut"
* ) # SID list paased - pass it on to dbshut
echo "Stopping specified Oracle database(s)."
su oracle -c "$ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbshut $SID_LIST"

This structure comes from the Oracle 10g dbshut script which I'm applying some customizations to. As a result, I'm trying not to completely restructure the script. If I were to write it myself, I'd be more tempted to put this in an if statement, and test for a null string (test -z). But, since I'm working with someone else's code, I'm trying to stick to minimizing my impact.

If you call this particular script with arguments (an argument is a token that follows the command, like do_something RED BLUE) I detect the extra arguments from the command line, and put them into a variable called SID_LIST as follows:

ACTION=$1 # Assign first argument to action
shift; # shift arg pointer past $1 (action)
SID_LIST="$*" # Assign any remaining args to the argument list

So, when I call the script with a command like, "dbshut TESTDBA TESTDBB" I expect to see SID_LIST end up with the values "TESTDBA TESTDBB". Good enough! But what if someone repeats an argument? We don't want to iterate through arguments we have already processed, so I decided to add my own personal garnish of ensuring the list is unique. And this little detour is where the fun began...

The modification I made looked like this:

SID_LIST=`echo $SID_LIST | tr " " "\n" | sort | uniq | tr "\n" " "`

Let's break this down into logical steps:
First, translate any spaces into newlines because the next commands in the pipeline will expect to see things in multi-line form. This turns "one two one three" into:


Next, sort the output alphabetically to ensure similar items are immediately next to each other, which is necessary for the following piece of the command. Now we send the sorted list to a program called uniq which removes duplicates. The output now looks something like this (remember, its alphabetical):


Finally, we need to get it back into a single-line format, so we send the output into the reverse of the first tr command which replaces any newlines with spaces. Our final output looks like this:

"one three two"

Having conquered that challenge, I integrated the code fragment and observed its behavior. Oddly, I discovered that whether or not I supplied arguments, the case statement always resolved my input to be in the "*" branch rather than the "" branch. After taking a closer look, I discovered that my output was not what it appeared... In fact, the final newline had been replaced with a space by the last tr command, and my string looked like this:


Because SID_LIST did not match "", the case statement selected the "*" branch instead. Feeling quite impressed with my mastery of the debugging arts, I surmised that a simple sed statement could whack my terminating space, and leave me with the desired empty string that would set my logic free. But alas, it was not to be...

I left me editor, and started playing on the command line. First, I created a simulation by setting a variable to contain a series of pretend arguments:

testbox{cgh}$ A="one two two three three four"

Next, I simulated my script's pipeline so make sure I could duplicate the problem. I surrounded the output with brackets to make the trailing space more obvious...

testbox{cgh}$ B=`echo $A | tr " " "\n" | sort | uniq | tr "\n" " "`
testbox{cgh}$ echo "[$B]"
[four one three two ]

Excellent, now we can test a fix... I put a sample string with a trailing space into a variable, and sent it into a sed command. The sed script is pretty straight-forward; search for a space character immediately before the end of the line, and replace it with nothing. This breaks down to the three divisions between slashes: [s]earch/[space]$(end of line)/replace_with_nothing/.

testbox{cgh}$ X="four one three two "
testbox{cgh}$ echo "[`echo $X | sed -e 's/ $//'`]"
[four one three two]

And behold, it worked! I now take the tested sed script, and attach it to the end of the pipeline...

testbox{cgh}$ A="one two two three three four"
testbox{cgh}$ B=`echo $A | tr " " "\n" | sort | uniq | tr "\n" " " | sed -e 's/ $//'`
testbox{cgh}$ echo "[$B]"

What happened to my string? I copied and pasted the code, and it should have worked! Here is the part where we learn to trust our instincts, and not what we see. Let's revisit our input variables using The Force...

Earlier, we set $X to contain a sample set of arguments with a trailing space, and that input string worked nicely. Maybe the input changed somewhere in the pipeline to not exactly reflect the test conditions in our experiment... Here's how we can compare them:

testbox{cgh}$ echo $X | od -c
0000000 f o u r o n e t h r e e t
0000020 w o \n
testbox{cgh}$ echo $A | tr " " "\n" | sort | uniq | tr "\n" " " | od -c
0000000 f o u r o n e t h r e e t
0000020 w o

Do you see it? The difference is that our experiment's $X string is terminated by a newline character, while our pure pipeline string has lost its newline. This becomes a problem for the sed command which removes our trailing space. Sed acts when it sees an input terminator like a newline or ctrl-D character. In this pipeline, sed is never getting what it needs.

The solution is fairly simple, although not pretty. I broke this pipeline into two statements, and sent my sed script its input from an echo command rather than directly through the pipeline. This allows echo to put a newline onto the string and make sed happy. Here's what it looks like:

SID_LIST=`echo $SID_LIST | tr " " "\n" | sort | uniq | tr "\n" " "`
SID_LIST=`echo $SID_LIST | sed -e 's/ $//'`

This could be performed in other ways, my personal favorite being to reincarnate this script in Perl and eliminate all these pipelines and separate commands. But, by leaving it as-is I can keep the user base more comfortable with the language. It also serves as a great lesson for Jedi training, and so shall it remain.

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